Battle For Truth

The social climate that we are currently experiencing in our country not only serves to challenge Christians to examine the strength of their convictions but also highlights the fact that the greatest warfare we face today is the ‘Battle for Truth’.

The prevalent post modern worldview asserts that there is no such thing as absolute truth and that it is relative, subject to individual opinions and choices. In the areas of theology, morality and what is presently on trial; gender identity, most people adhere to the idea that truth in these areas are determined simply by one’s own preference of belief, regardless of whether or not it is based on fact.

Not only is it disturbing to see the reach that this perspective has in our world but also to see the aggressive behaviours of the so called tolerant liberals being demonstrated towards those who don’t see eye to eye with them, with an almost fascist militancy. Adherents to the relative truth beliefs are faced with a dilemma of inconsistency because while their watch cry is that there’s no such thing as ‘absolute truth’, they face an even greater conundrum when that view is challenged by the question; “Is that really true?”

Thank God for the freedom of God’s truth that has claimed from the beginning that ‘God’s Word is truth’ (John 17:17). It continues to stand the test of history, science and time itself because He said that “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6

Keep standing for truth for it will never fail.