A New Normal

As we enter into the sixth month of this pandemic and all the restrictions associated with it, there’s a sense of becoming adapted and accustomed to the conditions. The new normal of social distancing, hyper vigilance with hygiene and limited numbers in church is becoming part of the rhythm of daily life. That is no surprise since we as human beings are built for routine and habits and have the incredible ability to adapt to virtually all circumstances.

Man has learned to live for months in a steel tube under water in confined spaces with no sunlight, in a capsule hurtling in outer space with zero gravity. Humans have adapted to living in subzero temperatures in the tundra of the polar regions living on seal meat. Others have learned to exist in the arid environments of desserts in the outback of Australia. The saying could well go; ‘have water, will live’.

As much as this is a testament to human ingenuity and determination to survive, it is also an indictment to the saddest conditions by which man has learned to live in; sin and separation from God.

People may be getting used to the new normal of masks, and elbow bumps but as the Church we are compelled to share the message, that they do not have to remain in their sin and thereby be doomed to eternal destruction. A life of sin does not have to be the norm but Jesus Christ has paid the price for all humanity to be able to live a new normal of victorious living for Christ. We don’t have to accept that we are hopelessly bound to destructive vices or addictions, or to the dysfunctional patterns of our family of origin, or negative mindsets reinforced by our environments.

No, we can live above the beggarly elements of our world to a life that transcends even our material dispositions, as we sit in heavenly places. It’s easy to get disorientated in these confusing and challenging times, but when that starts to happen, go back to the basics of your faith; looking and meditating upon God’s Word, pray everyday, fast every week, give, serve and let the “peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Phi 4:7)

And remember “that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.” (Eph 2:5-6 NLT)