Birth of Christ

The Search of the Wise

As the world enters a period of festivities and holidays, for many it is a busy time of shopping, travelling, hosting and celebrating. And for the most part, that is all it is. They get together with family and friends because that’s what they’ve always done, it’s part of the tradition that’s been passed down from previous generations. Nothing more, nothing less.

While as Christians we know that there is more to the celebration of the birth of Christ than turkey dinners and exchanging of gifts, we too can fall into the trap of merely going thru our Christian tradition. Where our spiritual walk simply becomes religious custom. Now there is nothing wrong with having routine, and in fact discipline and consistency is commendable, but we must be cautious to not substitute relationship with religion.

I am reminded of the wise men from the East in Matthew 2 who came to see the King who was born, that they may worship him. These men were wealthy, powerful and, more importantly, they were wise. In all of their prestige, they were pressed to search for the great King even at the cost of their lives being threatened by Herod. What motivated them was their desire to see face to face the one who was promised and as such begin a relationship with him.

During this period, let me encourage you, that while you search for the best bargains, food and fellowship (and that’s great) don’t stop seeking that which is most important; God Almighty. Hunger and thirst after him again, even if you’ve been a Christian for a very long time, or especially if you’ve been one for a long time and perhaps your journey of faith has dwindled down to religious observance. Ask Him to restore the passion and appetite for Him. This is the search of the wise.

“Seek the Lord, and his strength: seek his face evermore. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth” Psalms 105:4-5