moral values

Moral Values

In an age of moral relativism and confusion about so many issues from abortion to gender identity, the debate is raging particularly in light of the Israel Folau case. Inevitably, the issue has to be reduced to who determines what is morally right and wrong and where is that source to be obtained from.

Most people would acknowledge that objective moral values exist, and this must give rise to a moral law giver. The Bible makes a very strong claim that God is that moral law giver and that the scriptures are themselves God’s word and law. Most unbelievers would dispute that fact and would argue that for the Bible to make claims of its own veracity is circular reasoning and therefore illegitimate. So, can we trust the Bible and is it really the final authority, particularly on the issues of morality?

The truth is there is insurmountable evidence for the reliability of the Bible, including physical evidence of thousands of manuscript copies of the original writings of the New Testament for example, that are astoundingly accurate. There is archeological and extra Biblical, historical artefacts and documents that proves that the Bible corresponds with historical reality. There is the internal consistency and coherence of the cannon of scripture though written over a millennium and by many different writers.

Although there are other lines of reasoning to support the claim that the Bible is true, one of the most powerful is found in Jesus. If it can be shown that the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, present an accurate record of the life and ministry of Jesus, then Jesus Himself becomes an argument in support of the truth of the Bible. He claimed that the holy scriptures cannot be broken. Furthermore, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is one of the most verifiable facts in history. In this sense, making a case for the truth of the resurrection also makes a case for the truth claims of Jesus and, in turn, the reliability and truth of the Bible.

Whilst the Bible is still used in our judicial courts for people to put their hand on it, swearing to speak the truth. Yet, today people only pick and choose what they want to believe from it. We have no right to do that, but we must take the Word of God as it is and ensure that we adhere to its commands and teaching. God’s Word is the final authority and when we line up our lives to it, we can also expect to be recipients of the promises and blessings that God has proclaimed in this Holy Book.