A New Decade

Welcome to a new month, a new year and a new decade. What an exciting prospect that we are now entering into a new decade. This is significant because history is often defined in decades. The decade exactly a hundred years ago was known as the roaring twenties, then the turbulent thirties, flying forties, fabulous fifties, swinging sixties, etc.

The last ten years has seen many social upheavals, with terrorism dominating the headlines but also some major challenges to the very fabric of society. There has been a redefinition, by society and government, as to what constitutes a marriage, the removal of personal responsibility for offences and emotional triggers as well as the false notion that personal preference, and not biology, determines sex and gender. All of this is underpinned by the prevailing world view that truth is not objective but relative. 

What may we be expecting in the next decade? I have a feeling it will be more of the same but potentially worsening. Whilst this may intimidate some, the Church of the living God must not retreat in fear or shame but rather it is an opportunity for us to stand in the power of God’s Word and be emboldened by the Spirit of God to declare the truth of God’s Word and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am reminded of the request Elisha made to Elijah in 2 Kings 2:9, prior to the latter’s departure from his apprentice, that he would receive a double portion of his master’s spirit. Whilst Elijah was a powerful prophet that served God’s call in Israel, what Elisha would face as a prophet in his own right would need twice of Elijah’s spirit to meet the challenge of his day. It is of profound interest to note that Elisha did not ask for a double portion of power, miracles or revelation but rather the spirit of Elijah.

Whatever challenges we face in the new decade, let’s not necessarily pursue a double portion of power or ability but let’s get more of the Spirit of Christ dwelling within us. Let 2020 be a double portion year and decade of getting so close to God and being so filled with his burden, love and compassion for the lost, that courage and power will be sure to follow.